

Mahia te kaheru matarau – Utilise the spade of a hundred blades


Tuku Ihotanga

Preparing for the future through intergenerational development and growth


Healthy and prosperous whānau ensuring healthy and prosperous communities

Mātauranga Māori

Acknowledging and integrating Te Ao Māori knowledge and worldviews

Tino rangatiratanga

Māori self determination to pursue a way of life that provides value and meaning

Mana whakahaere

Empowering Māori through shared responsibility, accountability and leadership

Key opportunities areas

Key actions

  • Establish greater regional social procurement capacity and processes to facilitate Māori job creation
  • Promote Māori ‘Business to Rangatahi’ B2R networks
  • Empower Māori business networks to deliver value to their members
  • Support iwi strategies and enabling of settlement developments
  • Establish a Māori business incubator and accelerator
  • Develop a more cohesive Māori business support service to nurture and grow Māoripreneurship
  • Develop and support key Māori industry strategies for the region, starting with Tourism and IT/Technology

Key outcomes

  • Iwi organisations and Māori businesses are key drivers in the local, regional and national economy.
  • Māori respond to the opportunities presented by key industries.

Key Actions

  1. Develop and facilitate rangatahi education, entrepreneur and employment pathways programmes, with a focus on key future industries
  2. Support implementation of succession plans for rangatahi to increase capacity of iwi and Māori collectives
  3. Establish more internship and work experience opportunities for rangatahi
  4. Establish and promote Māori mentoring/ leadership programmes
  5. Deliver more kaupapa Māori Financial Literacy programmes
  6. Develop a high-skills pathway strategy for Māori at school
  7. Develop a high-skills transition strategy for Māori career change seekers
  8. Establish a ‘reset’ training programme for Māori whose employment has been adversely impacted by COVID

Key outcomes

  • A skilled and successful Māori workforce who contribute to their community and pursue their aspirations.
  • Rangatahi follow clear education and training pathways to employment

Key actions

  1. Share and promote local and regional stories – for Māori, by Māori
  2. Establish a database of iwi, Māori businesses and organisations across the region
  3. Support initiatives to meet Māori housing needs
  4. Māori land database established to understand and progress with potential development opportunities
  5. Establish a Māori skills and job matching database
  6. Advocate for key infrastructure  for whānau

Key outcomes

  • Across the region Māori know who, what, why and how to participate and collaborate in the Māori economy.

Key actions

  1. Create intergenerational pathways to whānau prosperity
  2. Marae support and development
  3. Reflect Te Ao Māori in our places and spaces
  4. Enable more accessible te reo learning opportunities
  5. Increase use of mātauranga Māori as part of the solution to communitychallenges
  6. Better support and promotion of kaupapa Māori events across the region
  7. Establish a Māori Regional  Ōhanga Āmiomio (circular economies forum)
  8. Enable kaitiakitanga – Māori participation in land use and development



              Key outcomes

  • Our Māori culture is seen, heard and felt across our region.
  • Māori communities are connected and capable.

Key actions

  1. Establish a Māori political forum
  2. Foster greater opportunities for Māori to contribute in decision making
  3. Advocate for greater accountability of organisations with legislation to work with Māori
  4. Enable greater collaboration across central and local government with processes that require tangata whenua input

Key outcomes

  • Māori leadership and governance is engaged and collaborating to achieve impact.

Key enablers

  • A strong implementation structure with the right people and networks
  • Good quality data and robust data analysis
  • Leadership from enablers and other stakeholder organisations
  • Collaboration and a long-term perspective

Strategy implementation

The focus of this strategy is on regional collaboration and leveraging sub-regional strengths – it relies onenablers coming together. An implementation committee, will be established to take the strategy forward, identifying partners to lead on key strategic actions. Some of the critical success factors relevant across all actions to ensure successful implementation are highlighted below.

The rōpū that takes the strategy forward will work across the region, with institutions, organisations, and iwi. This requires a diverse skill set, political and economic nous, and leadership. This strategy has a focus on business and rangatahi, so it is envisioned that the implementation structure will reflect this.

This, the first strategy of its kind for the Wellington Region, begins its implementation in times of heightened change and uncertainty. Furthermore, it is seeking to address the opportunities and challenges across diverse communities and interests. Implementation therefore needs to be iterative – ensuring there is the flexibility to change tack throughout the lifetime of the strategy while being adaptable in order to address the complex and diverse realities at play.

Outcome and process measures will be established by the implementation committee in partnership with enablers for each action. Therefore creating a framework for the collection, analysis, distribution and storage of data is necessary.

As with the development of this strategy, implementation requires input, commitment, leadership and direction from the primary stakeholders – Māori.

Buy – in from our Māori community requires champions at the leadership level, whether these are iwi organisations, public sector organisations, local and central government, Māori business networks and businesses. This will ensure the Māori voice has advocacy across all sectors and industries and will help to: fill in the gaps; amend systems where it is not working; and to identify where outcomes could be improved for Māori.

Current and future demographics and the imperative of capacity building for success on many fronts means a major focus needs to be on empowering rangatahi. They present the most significant challenges and opportunities for intergenerational change, closing the major gaps, and improvements in Māori prosperity.

The primary purpose of this strategy is better coordination leading to better outcomes through working together. Collaborative relationships take time to develop trust and expectations but will provide a more inclusive region for us all. The goal is to establish partnerships, working relationships and collaborations at the local, regional, national and international levels; to gain new perspectives, share learnings and adopt best practise as the norm. Whaia te iti Kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe me he maunga teitei.